Up until now, all that could be done in the way of laser engravings on charms was your standard black etching. All this has changed thanks to a strong breakthrough in laser inscribing technology that was once only practiced overseas. We are proud to introduce a new level of laser etchings that supercedes anything that has been created in the past. This type of laser etching machine creates such precise, crisp and intricately beautiful lines and curves that no other laser engraver has ever achieved before. Also the addition of a gold engraving is possible with this machine. We are proud to introduce a few categories such as Zodiacal icons, Chinese horoscope figures, custom text charms, and of course custom photo charms. With this new laser machinery, you can have your picture laser etched into the stainless steel base in either a black or white etched design. Although these charms cost a bit more, the money spent is far more worth the product being presented to you. So go on, have a look at what this machine can do. We are extremely confident that what you see is definitely worth your time! medrx-one.com
Colari Laser Engraving Charms: 999 items
Custom Classy Script Name Laser Charm
Custom Bold Script Name Laser Charm
Custom & Custom with Wedding Ring Laser Charm